As Fischmarkt Hamburg-Altona GmbH has been managing durable real estate and offering services for an industry revolving around the natural product fish for over eighty years, its commercial activities are inherently oriented to sustainability. This fundamental approach entails the adoption of ecological, economic and social responsibility.

As confirmation for FMH’s commitment to the preservation of fish stocks, the protection of the seas as a habitat and exemplary management practices, main services provided by FMH have been certified in accordance with the MSC, ASC, BIO and IFS food standards (Marine Stewardship Council, Aquaculture Stewardship Council, International Featured Standard Food). The ocean fish wholesale market in Hamburg is generally not used for landing or processing mass catches; rather, it is a market for high-quality, sustainably caught fish and seafood.
The FMH has a certified energy management system. In addition, the use of gas has been replaced by district heat services as far as possible. Modern resource management ensures that a large proportion of waste is recycled. By combining different services within the quarter and maintaining a central distribution site within the metropolitan region, FMH is able to offer key elements for an environmentally friendly “city of short distances”.
FMH has implemented an energy management system for real estate management, cold store operations and fish processing and trading ...
As an employer and provider of infrastructure for local businesses, FMH makes a particular contribution to local employment and the generation of added-value for the district and the city particularly in the commercial segment.
Employees, customers and the district of Altona form the focus of FMH’s social responsibility. For us, the qualifications, well-being and security of our staff constitute the basis of sustainable activity.